My activities

Resolver Core - Update to V1.2

Due to the upcoming release of Version 1.2, Resolver Core will be briefly unavailable on:

April 25, 2017

From 2:00 PM to 2:05 PM EST

Please note that during this time, we will be implementing the new release. Resolver core may be available with brief disruptions in services that could be up to 5 minutes in length. We, of course, apologize for any inconvenience associated with the disruptions, and we will endeavor to keep the timeframe as short as possible.

What do you need to know about the Update? 

Version 1.2 introduces the following new features: 

  • Assessments: The new Assessments feature enables a point-in-time or continuous evaluation of business activity data (e.g. audit, investigation, control assessments etc.)
  • Object Type Universe: The new Object Type Universe graph visuals how all the object types in your org are associated with one another through relationships.
  • Languages: It is not possible to upload translations for multiple languages using the new Languages feature.
  • Data Import: The data import feature now supports upload of spreadsheets that are up to 15 MB in size.
  • Formulas: Administrators can create formulas using variables from references on object types as well as create formulas using variables from n-depth relationships and references.
  • Printer Style Sheets: New printer style sheets ensure that only important data is included on printed copies of reports and forms.
  • Related Object Types: The editing field page now has a Related Object Type section that displays links for the object types the field is linked to.



 If you encounter difficulty with Resolver Core after this outage, please contact our Technical Support team immediately: 

Submit a Support Request: https://support.resolver.com/hc/en-ca/requests/new


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