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GRC Cloud Version 8.4 Release Notes

User Access Report

The User Access Report is a new report that provides an overview of all users in the system. Most importantly, this report summarizes the roles the user is part of and, as a result, the data they have access to.


  • Provides a complete overview of the permission structure.
  • Provides identification of specific user access, including:
    • Where the user is anchored;
    • What the user can view; and
    • The roles the user has been added to.
  • Allows administrators to better manage users and their access to data.
  • User Access snapshots can be used as a point-in-time reference for auditing purposes.


Administrators can access the User Access report via the Administration tab.

The Users List.
An overview of the Permissions enabled on a user's profile.

Details of the report can be exported to an Excel file, which is a powerful tool that can potentially provide administrators with a full export of all items in the system. Details exported into the spreadsheet include:

  • Username;
  • Full name;
  • Email address;
  • Last successful login;
  • Last failed login;
  • Role;
  • The Anchor item to which the user is assigned permissions; and
  • The Path items the user has access to through the Anchor.

The User Access Report exported into an Excel file, which include an aggregate of the user profiles and the User List Details.

Period End Execution Improvements

The 8.4 release has focused on improving Period End execution, which is an administrative function that archives your GRC Cloud site to provide a point-in-time backup. This version includes updates to improve the overall performance of this function, as well as improvements to the stability and efficiency while running Period End.

Export All Pages to Audit Trail

In previous versions, administrators were limited to exporting the audit trail page by page. In 8.4, admins can export the entire audit trail by clicking the PDF or Excel export options.

Note: Depending on the amount of data, exporting large audit trails may cause the request to time out and/or exceed Excel row limits. As such, if you wish to export a large audit trail, it’s recommended that filters are applied prior to export to minimize the data volume.

Minor Features & Improvements

  • Increased the number of Report Snapshots.
  • Performed standard release maintenance.
  • Corrected the following issues:
    • Workflow: Unable to publish some existing workflows (not applicable to all workflows).
    • Workflow: Incorrect status message when transitioning workflow.
    • Reports: Error when loading the report if items had a “Permission Denied” message for the item number
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