Updated the Perspective web config header information, which now supports HPKP headers and provides improved defaults for HTTP cookies, HSTS, and other options (48089).
Fixed an issue that prevented users from viewing certain attachments (53604).
Quick Find no longer displays the "Input string was not in a correct format” error message for certain search terms (53657).
Perspective Mobile
Fixed an issue that would allow some users to access Add, Edit, or Delete options for certain records without having the appropriate permissions to do so (51752, 54287, 54293).
Failed logins no longer reset the Service URL (54553).
Fixed an issue that would periodically prevent some users from logging in to Dispatch (50517).
Fixed an issue that would prevent updates to existing location addresses and geo coordinates (48844).
All closed dispatches are now cleared from the application as per the timeframes specified in the System Settings (49402).
Fixed an issue that caused slow loading times for Officer queries (50886).
Fixed an issue that caused the application to lag or in some cases freeze and require a restart (52315).
The Map panel no longer displays duplicate officers or officers on duty in different operational zone (54531, 54532).
Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the creation of a new charting widget (51213).
Miscellaneous Fixes
SSO and IP whitelisting can now be enabled at the same time (54490).