My activities

Perspective 5.3.1 – Bug Fixes


  • Updated the Perspective web config header information, which now supports HPKP headers and provides improved defaults for HTTP cookies, HSTS, and other options (48089).
  • Fixed an issue that prevented users from viewing certain attachments (53604).
  • Quick Find no longer displays the "Input string was not in a correct format” error message for certain search terms (53657).

Perspective Mobile

  • Fixed an issue that would allow some users to access Add, Edit, or Delete options for certain records without having the appropriate permissions to do so (51752, 54287, 54293).
  • Failed logins no longer reset the Service URL (54553).


  • Fixed an issue that would periodically prevent some users from logging in to Dispatch (50517).
  • Fixed an issue that would prevent updates to existing location addresses and geo coordinates (48844).
  • All closed dispatches are now cleared from the application as per the timeframes specified in the System Settings (49402).
  • Fixed an issue that caused slow loading times for Officer queries (50886).
  • Fixed an issue that caused the application to lag or in some cases freeze and require a restart (52315).
  • The Map panel no longer displays duplicate officers or officers on duty in different operational zone (54531, 54532).


  • Fixed an issue that sometimes prevented the creation of a new charting widget (51213).

Miscellaneous Fixes

  • SSO and IP whitelisting can now be enabled at the same time (54490).
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