New Features
- Add the ability to configure a customized greeting for NXT Survey.
- Added the ability to accommodate unique phone number formats, including international and satellite.
Custom Fields/Forms
- Added a new form type, Relationship Editor, which is used to collect more data about the relationship between two object types.
- Added a new custom field type, Lookup, which allows users to populate custom fields on objects and forms with the value from existing Global AlertLink objects, including Contacts and Resources.
User Interface
- The order of the relationship types in referential data is preserved when selecting relationship types for an object.
- Added the ability to Check/Uncheck All/Specific Relationship Types in the filter on the Relationship tab for an object.
- Added a new admin function, Relationship Mapping, to assign relationship editors based on object/object type and relationship type.
- Enabled filtering within the Folder Picker for all Global AlertLink objects.
- Added a Resource Advanced Search module, similar to Contacts.
- Added Contact and Resource Advanced Search to the Relationship tab.
- Added Contact and Resource Advanced Search to Item Pickers.
- Added Contact and Resource Advanced Search to Lookup Fields.
- Added Resource Advanced Search to Resource Share screen.
- Relationships on deleted objects will no longer be displayed.
- Custom Fields will be displayed when you have read-only access to objects.
Converted Contact and Contact Method imports to Stored Procedures to improve functionality and performance.
- Updated the Reporting tool to display Contact Method Alias for Mobile Push Device.
- Created a new ReportViews for the Relationship Editor form data.
- Created a new ReportView that links custom form instances with the Contact or Resource that form was completed for.
- Updated the Reporting tool to add Total Push to the Messages table.
Bug Fixes
- GIS reports were not loading when filters by CustomerId or Custom Fields were used.
- Unable to resend Ad hoc messages that contained sub-folders with no contacts.
- Corrected various issues with Custom Field ToolTips.