My activities

GAL Whitelisting Instructions

To ensure delivery of Global AlertLink's password resets, task notifications, decision notifications, alerts, and other important communications, please add Global AlertLink as a safe sender to your corporate email system. Below is the information your email administrator will need to do so.

Please be sure to have your email administrator whitelist all of the following domains to ensure that Global AlertLink electronic notifications are not caught by your corporate email filter.

BY DOMAINS (recommended method):

  • *.alertlink.com *.globalalertlink.com

BY IP ADDRESS (subject to change):

  • 248.176.54
  • 61.212.210


To ensure delivery of SMS messages, you must ensure your subscribers can receive messages from the applicable country sender IDs. If a sender ID is blocked, it must be whitelisted. See the GAL SMS Country & Directional Support article for a list of sender IDs.

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