As of version 9.7.4 and later, you can customize certain WRM images by replacing them in the UI website's ClientBin\Images folder and subfolders. These images include:
- logo.png
- banner.png
- admin_splash.png
- loginbox.png
- Logon_kairos_header.png
- logo_only.png
The customized images must be in PNG format and the same image dimensions as the original.
IMPORTANT NOTE: Ensure copies of the original images are saved in the event the UI needs to be restored to its default.
Customized images and help files will be downloaded automatically at each upgrade, however, if the images are modified after users have started using the application, users must clear their caches on Internet Explorer to see the changes. Alternatively, the UI web.config file can be modified to display the new images. See the section below for more details.
Modify the RevisionNumber Settings in the Web.Config File
If it's not possible to have each user clear their Internet Explorer caches to display the custom images, the UI web.config file can be modified to show the new images automatically.
- Open the UI web.config file. By default, it can be found at \inetpub\wwwroot\INSTANCE_NAME\INSTANCE_NAME.
- Locate the RevisionNumber settings.
- Enter a number in the <value> parameter. This number can be any number between the minimum and maximum int value of -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647; however, the number cannot have been previously used for the current website.
- Save and close the file.