My activities

Disable Perspective User Accounts

It's recommended that unneeded user accounts are locked instead of deleted. Deleting a user's account results in lost access to that user's unshared reports or queries. Additionally, the audit logs will continue to show changes made in the system, but the references to the user who made the changes will be lost. Locking an account will prevent the user from logging into Perspective, but the account can be unlocked by an administrator to once again grant the original user access or to allow another user to access the original user's reports and queries.

For information on deleting a user account, see the Perspective Administrator's Guide.

  1. Sign into Perspective as an administrator.
  2. Click Administration > Users.
  3. Open the account you wish to disable.
  4. Click Edit.
  5. Optional: If the user was responsible for reports, click the User Details tab, then click Change Password to change the user's password. This will allow others to log into the account to access any reports or queries the previous user may have created.
  6. Click the User Rights tab.
  7. Select the User Locked checkbox to lock the account.

    Note: If this user was responsible for reports and you changed the password in step 5 above, the User Locked checkbox must be deselected before another user can log into the account to access the previous user's queries and reports.

  8. Click Save.
  9. If you have named licenses and the Auto Assign feature is not activated, complete the following steps to assign the disabled user's license to another account:

    Note: There is a 24-hour waiting period after a named license is removed from a user before that same license can be reassigned. This waiting period applies to both manual assignments and Auto Assign.

    1. Click License Management.
    2. Select the disabled user in the pane to the right. 
    3. Click Remove.
    4. After the 24-hour waiting period, log into Perspective as an administrator and return to License Management
    5. To assign a new user manually click Assign, select a user from the entity list, then click Select
    6. To automatically assign licenses to users once licenses become available, select the Auto Assign checkbox. Note that the 24-hour waiting period will still apply to auto-assigned licenses.
    7. Click Save.
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