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Connect to an External SMTP Server (v. 4.6 and earlier)

As an administrator, you can configure Service Manager to connect to an SMTP server and send emails from Perspective.

These instructions are for users running Perspective version 4.6 and earlier.

  1. Open Perspective Service Manager.

  2. Click the Notifications tab.

  3. Click the SMTP radio button.

  4. Enter information into the following fields:

    • Host: The domain name of the SMTP service.

    • Port: The port the SMTP service will be listening on for connections.

    • Username: A valid username to connect to the SMTP service.

    • Password: The appropriate password for the username.

    • Use Default Credentials: Select this checkbox if you want to specify that a user's Windows credentials are to be used to connect to the SMTP service. When this option is selected, all emails come from the user’s client machine under his or her Windows credentials. (This option is available only versions 4.5 or earlier.)

    • Use Anonymous Access: Select this checkbox if the SMTP sever does not require user credentials to connect and send email. When this option is selected, users can connect anonymously. (This option is available only versions 4.5 or earlier.)

    • Enable SSL: Select this option to encrypt the SMTP connection with Secure Socket Layer (SSL).

    • Reply Address: When sending email messages, the SMTP service must include a reply address. Enter the email address you want to appear on any email messages sent via SMTP.

    • Force all clients to use these settings: Select this checkbox if you want to prevent individual clients from overriding any of the above settings.

  5. Restart IIS (Internet Information Services) to save your changes.

    Note: To prevent data from being lost, ensure that all Perspective users have saved their work and logged off prior to restarting IIS.

Unless the Force all clients to use these settings checkbox is selected in Service Manager, the email settings outlined above will be used as system defaults for every client. With the exception of the reply address (a global setting for SMTP), all of these settings can be overridden for individual clients through Settings > Options menu in Perspective.


See also:

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