To keep your index up-to-date with all current entries, the database will need to be indexed regularly.
Instead of updating your index manually, you can create a scheduled task so that the updates are done automatically on a regular basis.
Note: The file paths referenced in this article will vary depending on your version of Perspective. If you're running version 4.6.2 or earlier, the path saved on your computer will contain a PPM 2000 Inc folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\PPM 2000 Inc\Perspective...). If you're running version 5.0 or later, it will contain a Resolver Inc folder (i.e. C:\Program Files\Resolver Inc\Perspective...).
On the application server where Perspective is installed, open Task Scheduler.
Click the Create Task button in the Actions pane.
On the General tab:
a. Enter a name for the task in the Name field.
b. Under When running the task, use the following user account, select an account. It’s recommended you select a local service account with admin privileges.
c. Select the Run whether user is logged on or not radio button.
d. Select the Run with highest privileges checkbox.
Click the Triggers tab.
Click New to create a new trigger.
Enter a schedule for how often you want the index to be updated. It’s recommended that you create a daily task scheduled to run during a time when Perspective usage is at its lowest.
Click OK.
Click the Actions tab.
Click New to create a new action.
Select Start a program from the Action drop-down menu.
In the Program/script field, entering the following:
For Perspective v. 4.5:
a. Click Browse.
b. Navigate to Perspective.ServerManager.exe. The default location for Service Manager is C:\Program Files\Resolver Inc\Perspective\4.5\ServiceManager\Perspective.ServerManager.exe
c. Click Open.
For Perspective v. 4.6 and later:
a. Click Browse.
b. Navigate to Perspective.Indexer.exe. The default location for Service Manager is C:\Program Files\PPM 2000 Inc\Perspective\4.6\ServiceManager\ Perspective.Indexer.exe.
c. Click Open.
In the Add Arguments field, enter the following:
For Perspective v. 4.5:
/index=Primary;C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Perspective4.5\PerspectiveServices\Perspective_Default.config. This file is the default location of your config file.
For Perspective v. 4.6 and later:
c="C:\[PerspectiveServicesPath]\Perspective4.6\PerspectiveServices\Perspective_Default.config". The file path above is the default location of your Perspective_default.config file.
You may also use any of the switch commands listed in the Set Up Quick Find Indexing for version 4.6 or version 4.6.1 and later.
To confirm the task has been successfully created, navigate to the directory where the index file is stored. If the task is running as scheduled, the size of the index file should continue to increase depending on the specified schedule.
See also: