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Display Your Organization's Privacy Statement and/or Legal Notice On Logon

Within Perspective, your organization has the option of displaying a privacy statement or a legal notice that can be displayed upon logon or viewed from within the system.

  1. Log onto Perspective as an administrator.

  2. Click Administration > General Settings.

  3. Select the Display privacy statement on logon checkbox to show your company's privacy statement upon logging in. Users will be prompted to confirm they've read the privacy statement before Perspective will load.

  4. Select the Display legal notice on logon checkbox to display your company's legal notice upon logging in. Users will be prompted to confirm they've read the notice before Perspective will load.

  5. Click Save.

  6. Log off and log back into Perspective to see your changes.

Your company's privacy notice and legal statement can also be viewed by clicking the links in the top right corner of Perspective.

See also:

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