My activities

Perspective iOS: Initial Setup (Hosted)

The following steps outline how to complete the initial setup of Perspective iOS for hosted customers.

  1. Download the iOS app on your Apple device from the App Store.

  2. Launch the app.

  3. Tap the Setup  icon.

  4. Enter your Perspective database name in the Database field. The database name is usually Default or Primary.

  5. Enter your Perspective business ID in the Business ID field (e.g. Resolver Services).

  6. Replace the “yourbusinessid” with your Perspective business ID (without any spaces) in the URL field (e.g. https://businessid.myincidents.com/Integration/service.svc).

  7. Tap Save to return to the login screen.

  8. Enter your user name and password.

  9. Tap Login.


See also:

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