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Configure the Port for RealTime Services (DispatchLog)

 By default, Perspective uses Net.TCP port 808 for RealTime Services (DispatchLog). To use DispatchLog, you’ll need to configure the site bindings in Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager on the web server and in the Perspective_default.config file to show port 808 or another specific port you’ve selected.

This article provides instructions on changing the Net.TCP port to 808, however, an alternate port can be selected as needed.

Note: This article provides only basic Windows Firewall configurations for the port. Additional configurations may be required for network firewalls.

  1. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  2. Expand the top node in the Connections

  3. Expand the Sites note then click the site that’s hosting Perspective RealTime Services to select it. In this case, it’s Default Web Site.

  4. Click Bindings…

  5. Click net.tcp to select it then click Edit.

  6. Enter port 808 in the Binding information field.

  7. Click OK then close Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  8. Navigate to the location of the Perspective_default.config file. By default, this file is saved at C:\inetpub\wwwroot\Perspective[version number]\PerspectiveServices.

  9. Open Perspective_default.config and edit the Perspective RealTime URL to show port 808. This section is near the bottom of the document.

  10. Save your changes and close Perspective_Default.config.

  11. Reset IIS or restart the PerspectiveServices application pool in IIS.

  12. Open Control Panel > Windows Firewall > Advanced Settings.

  13. Click Inbound Rules in the pane to left.

  14. Click New Rule in the Actions pane to the right.

  15. Click Port > Next.

  16. Select the TCP and Specific local ports radio buttons.

  17. Enter 808 in the Specific local ports field.

  18. Click Next to continue through the New Inbound Rule wizard then close Windows Firewall.

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