Your Perspective System Administrator is the user who holds the master login information and oversees the Perspective system. This administrator is the only user authorized to modify the Auditing settings and turn on visibility for the Administration component if it's been inadvertently hidden for all users (including administrators).
If your System Administrator has forgotten his or her password, it can be reset it by following the steps below.
Your organization's primary contact must send a written request to Support will then submit the request to the System Administrator who will run a script to reset the password. Once completed, we'll provide a temporary password via email so he or she can log in and change the password.
On Premise:
Your organization's primary contact must contact us to confirm the password reset and arrange for a WebEx meeting with your IT department to give us access to the SQL database. During the meeting, we'll run an SQL script to update the password and provide your primary contact (or a person designated by your primary contact) with a temporary password. Once completed, the System Administrator can login and change the password.
See also: