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Troubleshooting Web Portal Compatibility Issues

Some users may experience an issue that causes the web portal to display lookup values as “Loading.”

This can often be resolved through your Internet Explorer settings or by editing the Custom HTTP Response header in Internet Information Services (IIS).

Note: You may need to contact your IT department prior to changing your Internet Explorer or IIS settings.

Run Internet Explorer as 10 or 11 (Edge)

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the browser.

  2. Click F12 Developer Tools to show the developer tools panel at the bottom of the browser.

  3. Click the dropdown menu on the right side of the panel and select either Edge or 10.

  4. Click the X to close.

Turn off Compatibility View

For On Premise customers, the web portal will function an intranet site (a site hosted in your environment) and IE may be displaying the site in Compatibility View by default. The server hosting Perspective may also have been added to the list of websites you’ve added to Compatibility View.

  1. Click the gear icon in the top right corner of the browser.

  2. Click Compatibility View Settings.

  3. If checked, uncheck the Display intranet in Compatibility View checkbox.

  4. If server hosting Perspective has been added to the Websites you’ve added to Compatibility View section, click the server name, then click Remove.


  5. Click Close.

Edit HTTP Response Headers (Server-side Resolution)

These steps will force the portal to be displayed in Internet Explorer 11 (Edge) mode.

  1. Log into the server that’s hosting Perspective.

  2. Open Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager.

  3. Expand the server node > Sites > Default Web Site.

  4. Click PerspectivePortal to select it.

  5. Double-click HTTP Response Headers in the middle pane.

  6. Click Add in the Actions pane to the right.

  7. Enter X-UA-Compatible in the Name field.

  8. Enter IE_EmulateIE=Edge in the Value field.

  9. Click OK.

  10. Recycle the PerspectivePortal application pool or perform an IIS reset.

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