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Troubleshooting Perspective & SQL Reporting Services

Perspective uses SQL Reporting Services for a variety of reporting functions. This guide will help you troubleshoot the three most common errors encountered with SQL reports.

Common Error #1: 401 Unauthorized

When this error message appears, it means that Perspective was not able to authenticate to the SQL Reporting Server. To resolve this, you should check that Perspective Service Manager has been configured correctly.

Section #1 – Check Perspective Service Manager

  1. Open Perspective Service Manager.

  2. Click Database in the Service Manager Settings pane to the left.

  3. Click the database to select it.

  4. Click Edit to open the Database Connection window and ensure the following fields contain the correct data:

    • Report Server URL: Ensure Perspective is referring to the correct server. This server should be similar to <servername>/reportserver

    • Reports Folder: Ensure Perspective is referring to the correct reports folder. The default folder is Perspective, but can be changed.

    • Report Service User: Ensure the domain, username, and password contain the correct information.

  5. Click Test… to confirm if the configurations are correct.

If configuration was not successful, continue to the next section.

Section #2 – Setting Permissions at the Child Level

Note: You may require a database administrator to access the Report Manager.

  1. Navigate to Report Manager. The URL would be similar to <servername>/reports.

  2. Click the Perspective reports folder that was published during installation. The default name for this folder is Perspective, however, the name may have been changed.

  3. Click Folder Settings.

  4. Click Security.

  5. Confirm if the user in this window matches the user assigned to the reports in Perspective Service Manager in step 4 of Section #1 above.

  6. Click Edit Item Security to add the user or edit the existing user’s role to Browser and Content Manager, if needed.

If the above configurations were not successful, continue to the next section.

Section #3 – Setting Permissions at the Parent Level

If the above steps didn’t resolve the issue, you can try setting the permission at a parent level.

Note: These configurations are not generally recommended for report servers that host multiple reports.

  1. Navigate to Report Manager. The URL would be similar to <servername>/reports.

  2. Click Folder Settings to show the report security settings.

  3. Confirm if the user in this window matches the user assigned to the reports in Perspective Service Manager in step 4 of Section #1 above.

  4. Click New Role Assignment to create a new user or click Edit next to the existing user to change their role to Browser and Content Manager, if needed.

If configuration was not successful, continue to the next section.

Section #4 – Other Network Issues

If the configurations in the above sections were unsuccessful, the issue is likely in the environment and is a permissions or network issue.

  1. Using the machine with the reports issue, open Internet Explorer.

  2. Navigate to the Reports Service page using the account entered in Perspective Service Manager.

  3. Locate Internet Explorer on your computer (i.e. a desktop shortcut or Program Files).

  4. Press and hold the Shift key on your keyboard, right-click the Internet Explorer icon, then select Run as different user.

  5. Enter the login credentials for the user assigned access to reports in Perspective Service Manager.

  6. Once the browser has launched, navigate to the Reports Server The URL should be similar to <servername>/reportserver.

If the configurations were successful, you should see a page that looks similar to the following:

If you don’t see this page, contact your company’s IT department or your Database Administrator.

Common Error #2: Error 503 – Service Not Available

This error message appears because the SQL Reporting Service has stopped.

  1. Log into the server were the SQL reporting service has been installed.

  2. Open Reporting Services Configuration Manager.

  3. Click Start.

Common Error #3: Unable to Connect to a Data Source

This error message appears because reports are not connected to a data source (your Perspective database).

  1. Navigate to the Report Manager The URL will be similar to <servername>/reports.

  2. Provide login credentials, if needed. If possible, provide credentials for an account with administrative access to SQL reporting services.

  3. Click the folder you’re using for Perspective. The default name for this folder is Perspective, however, the name of this folder is editable and may have been changed.

  4. Click the Perspective database connection If you don’t see the database icon, your account likely doesn’t have the required Content Manager privileges.

  5. In the Connection String field, ensure the database server and database are correct.

  6. Ensure the Credentials stored securely in the report server radio button is selected.

  7. If you’re using SQL authentication, enter the username and password for the SQL database. If you’re using Windows authentication, you may need to ensure the Windows Service Account used by Perspective has Database Owner rights enabled for it in SQL Server Management Studio.

  8. Click Test Connection. If the connection was successful, you’ll see a Connection created successfully message.

If you continue to see errors or encounter issues after following the above steps, contact Resolver Support.

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