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Perspective 5.0 FAQs

Below are some common questions and answers about the upcoming Officer Mobile app.

For more questions and answers about the upcoming 5.0 release, check out the Dispatch and Officer Mobile FAQs.

Q: Can the Web Portal still be used to report a security incident?

A: Yes. Incidents submitted from the portal will still be sent to Perspective. The Web Portal will not be affected by the upgrade.

Q: Are there any updates to the reporting modules?

A: Yes. There’s a new Dashboard application, a new report Call Category Hierarchy, and a change to the existing User Report to show active and inactive users.

Q: Does 5.0 come with Perspective Service Manager?

A: Yes.

Q: Is there a particular date when the old version of Perspective will no longer be available and all users will be migrated to 5.0?

A: Not at this time. Once a date is set, we'll provide notice six months ahead of time.

Q: If we generate custom reports regularly, will they be migrated into 5.0 or will we have to recreate them?

A: Your previously created custom reports will be migrated over into 5.0. There will be no need to recreate them.

Q: Are the requirements for SQL and Web Server significantly different for 5.0?

A: No, the requirements for the SQL and Web Server are very similar to what they were for previous versions. For more information, see the System Requirements documents.

Q: Have statistical reports been redesigned in 5.0?

A: No. Report functionality has not changed from version 4.6.2 to version 5.0.

Q: Have there been enhancements to Perspective in 5.0?

A: Yes. Administrators can now manage locked out users and search for users based on their Perspective login or Windows ID. There is also a new Call Category Hierarchy Report and an update to the User report which now shows if users are active or inactive. For more details, see the Perspective 5.0 Release Notes.

Q: Will 5.0 now work with browsers other than Internet Explorer, such as Chrome or Firefox?

A: Not at this time. We’re currently only supporting Internet Explorer 11 and Edge for the new 5.0 launch page. For more information, see the System Requirements documents.

Q: I understand all SQL queries need to be rewritten for 5.0. Will Resolver do the rewrites?

A: Resolver will assist with any query rewrites needed if we provided the queries. Contact Resolver Support or your customer success manager for more information.

Q: Have there been any changes to the Perspective iPhone app?

A: No. The Perspective iOS app has not changed.


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