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Trending Risks Over Multiple Years on the Heat Map

In Ballot, it's easy to show change in risks over time. Before completing the steps below, the results must be loaded into one file (vote in the same file as last year, merge the two files, or use Simulate By Keyboard to input the data).

To track changes over time:

  1. Setup 4 criteria (e.g 2011 Impact, 2011 Likelihood, 2012 Impact 2012 Likelihood).

  2. Click Charts > Scatter Chart. The first two criteria in your chart will load by default on the X and Y axes.

  3. Right-click the background of the chart, then click Chart Data.

  4. In the top left-hand corner, change the dropdown indicating the number of series to use from 1 to 2.

  5. Review which criteria you have on the X and Y axes. In this example, 2011 Impact is on X and 2011 Likelihood is on Y.

  6. Click on the Series 2 radio button at the top of the screen. It should be enabled after adjusting the number of series from 1 to 2.

  7. Set up the X-axis and Y-axis with your second two criteria. In this example 2012 Impact and 2012 Likelihood respectively.

  8. Click OK.

The result will be a set of data points with multiple series. This works well for a small number of risks and, in order to trend, the risks must have a value for the first year.

An alternative configuration is to use the latest year as the first series, which would enable the inclusion of new risks without data from the previous year. To do this simply navigate back to the Chart Data pop-up and setup the X and Y axes on series 1 and series 2.

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