My activities

Set Up a Past Period Instance (Installed Environment)

On SQLServer:

  1. Restore the period end backup to a new database named GRCCloud_AppDB_PeriodEnd.

  2. Unlock the period by executing the following SQL statements on the GRCCloud_AppDB_PeriodEnd database:

    declare @peid int
    select top 1 @PEID = HistoryItemID
    from tblPeriodEndHistory
    where CurrentSystemStepID <> 14
    order by HistoryItemID DESC
    if ( @peid is not null )
    delete from tblPeriodEndProgressHistory Where PeriodEndHistoryItemID = @PEID
    delete from tblPeriodEndHistory where HistoryItemID = @PEID


  1. Copy the \\APPSERVER\GRCCloud\WEB_PROD to \\APPSERVER\GRCCloud\WEB_PeriodEnd.

  2. Edit the configuration file at \\APPSERVER\GRCCloud\WEB_PeriodEnd\web.config and change
    the database connection string appSetting to:

    <add key="DB.ConnString" value="data source=SQLSERVER;initial
    catalog=GRCCloud_AppDB_PeriodEnd;Integrated Security=SSPI;persist security
    info=True;packet size=4096;Connect
    Timeout=60;MultipleActiveResultSets=True;" />

  3. Follow steps 9 to 11 in the Install Website on Internet Information services 7.x(IIS7) guide, using \\APPSERVER\GRCCloud\WEB_PeriodEnd as the physical path and a different host name.

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