My activities

Log into Perspective Hosted (Version 5.1 or Later)

Before starting the login process for Perspective, confirm you have the following:

  • Microsoft Edge
  • .NET Framework 4.8 installed; and
  • Your Perspective business ID.
  1. Ensure ClickOnce Support has been enabled in Edge.  For more information see Launch Perspective in the New Microsoft Edge  

  2. Navigate to your Perspective Services URL, which will be similar to https://<businessID>.myincidents.com/perspective/ (replacing <businessID> in the URL with your Perspective business ID).

  3. Click the Perspective icon.

  4. If launching Perspective for the first time:

    1. Click Run in the Security Warning window.

    2. Click the MyIncidents.com tab.

    3. Confirm the database selected in the Database Name dropdown is correct.

    4. Click Back to return to the previous screen.

      Note: If the Database Name field is missing or login fails, click the Specify Server tab to confirm the Service URL, Business ID, and Database fields have populated correctly.

  5. Enter your login credentials:

    Note: If your system uses Windows® authentication, the login will be performed automatically. To switch back to the standard Perspective login, press the F5 key on your keyboard.

    1. If you're not logging in using single sign-on (SSO) authentication:

      1. Enter your user name and password in the User Name and Password fields.

      2. Select the Remember Me checkbox if you want Perspective to remember your user name.

      3. Click Login.

    2. If you're logging in using single sign-on (SSO) authentication:

      1. Click Login.

      2. Enter your username, password, and any other information required by your SSO provider to complete the login process. The SSO settings, including the amount of time your session remains active, are determined by the SSO provider selected by your Perspective administrator.

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