My activities

Change the Author of a New Incident Narrative

If needed, you can create narratives on incidents for other users by changing the author before the narrative is saved.

  1. Log into Perspective.

  2. Click Data Forms > Incidents.

  3. Create or open an incident.

  4. Click Narratives > Add New to open the narrative editor. By default, the author of the narrative is the user who is currently logged in.

  5. Select the narrative type from the Narrative Type dropdown menu in the top-right of the window.

  6. Type the narrative as needed.

  7. Click Accept to close the window.

  8. Double-click the narrative you just created to open the editor.

  9. Click the  icon in the Author field in the top-right corner of the window.

  10. Select another user to display as the author.

  11. Click Accept to close the editor.

  12. Save your changes to the incident when finished.

 Note: You cannot change the author once the narrative has been saved to the incident. 

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