My activities

V7.11.01 Orientation

Our team has put together an orientation for you on V7.11.01.  

Feature Summary:

  • We are introducing a brand new form designer with a focus on improved performance, and making it easier to use by introducing drag and drop capabilities. Don't worry - your existing forms will be migrated to the new format!
  • Improved performance for:
    • Record Searching: We've made it so that you can set a limit on the results returned with the item picker. 
    • Plan/Event Editors: We've introduced performance improvements that allow better rendering of large query results in the form.
  • In the User Interface, custom fields used in the Advanced search are now alphabetical.
  • Our Reporting tool now only includes the form fields on the current version of your selected form.
  • Added a bulk delete Referential Data procedure.

How to Watch:


v7.11.01 Orientation

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