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Changing the Oracle Schema Owner Password Associated With RiskVision

To change the Oracle schema owner password associated with the RiskVision.  

  1. Alter the schema owner account within Oracle and change the password
  2. Open a command prompt and navigated to %Agiliance_Home%\install\toolbox\bin
  3. Run the command encrypt <pwd> (Replace <pwd> with the password from step 1)
  4. There will be several lines of output, copy the last line, for example, e149ecb93e547171Jr0ZRPThau3+BvxEaHobRA==
  5. Navigate to the %Agiliance_Home%\config directory and open the agiliance.properties file
  6. Replace the encrypted hash string for database.oracle.password.encrypted= with a new hash string generated in step 4
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