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Unable to Upload Files With .xlsx Extension

For security reasons, we have incorporated security restrictions by preventing some file types from being uploaded into RiskVision. If customer use case requires the uploading of certain file types then RiskVision can be configured to accommodate.

  1. Open the agiliance.properties file located at %Agiliance_Home%\config
  2. Add extended esapi accepted files for upload com.agiliance.esapi.allowed.file.extensions=.zip,.pdf,.tar,.gz,.xls,.properties,.txt,.xml,.cmd,.bat,.exe,.sql,.log,.doc,.docx,.png,.odt,.ods,.keystore,.csv,.groovy,.html,.index,.xlsx,.msg,.htm,.rar,.7z,.gzip,.mpr,.mpp,.gif to the agiliance.properties file
  3. Save and close the agiliance.properties file
  4. Restart the Tomcat service
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