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Steps to Turn Off ESAPI Validation

For security reasons, we incorporated some special characters to be formed against the normal string which constitutes our application sensitive data or URL, and sometimes if proper validation is not in place or do not have any pass by way for those special characters, we run into the issue where the string is not accessible.

The following procedure will validate those special characters and provide steps to turn off  ESAPI validation so the error no longer occurs. Contact technical support for additional options in navigating around this type error.

  1. Go to the esapi folder located at %Agiliance_Home%\Server\Tomcat\webapps\spc\WEB-INF\classes\esapi path
  2. Open validation.properties and remove the following line or comment it Validator.URL=^(ht|f)tp(s )\\:\\/\\/[0-9a-zA-Z]([-.\\w]*[0-9a-zA-Z])*(:(0-9)*)*(\\/ )([a-zA-Z0-9\\-\\.\\ \\,\\:\\'\\/\\\\\\+=&%\\$#_]*) $
  3. Add Validator.URL=^.*$ line to replace the one that was removed or commented, using this validation of any string can be allowedNote: Make sure there should be no space after $ sign.
  4. Restart the Tomcat 
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