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View the System Maintenance Related Message

Procedure: Messaging that warns users of a future system outage and messaging that the server is down to system maintenance are both available in RiskVision.

A) Provides users a display message on the login page which can be used to inform them of a future outage.


  1. Open the agiliance.properties file located in %Agiliance_Home%/config
  2. Add the following property in the agiliance.properties file: ui.login.informationText =testmessage. Modify the "testmessage" accordingly
  3. In the Administration > Commands tab, click Reload button to reload the server configuration

 B.) Provides user a display message when the Tomcat service is brought down for maintenance.


  1. Open 503.html file located in the %Agiliance_Home%\apache2\htdocs\errors
  2. Modify this file using standard HTML to contain the desired message
  3. Restart the Apache2 service. This will log off your users, so consider doing this when users are not logged in to the system
  4. You must leave the Apache2 service running in order for the message to display correctly


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