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Questionnaire Progress and Total Counts Not Appearing on Questionnaire Form in RiskVision v7.0 or Later

Applies to RiskVision Versions: 7.0+   

In the leftmost column after upgrading to 7.0, the description has changed not to include the count of questions in the Questionnaire. We are missing the count (1 of 5) and the progress (In Progress or Completed) based on each control/sub-control combination. How do we get this back in 7.0

Procedure:  In RiskVision v7.0, there was a design change to improve performance by removing the questionnaire progress count. If the hit in performance is not a concern or determined to be minimal, then the questionnaire progress count can be reconfigured. Go to Configuration, Questionnaire Presentation Options for this program and change "Show progress and summary checkbox" to 'Yes'.  Making this change to the correct Questionnaire Presentation Option should restore your ability to view numbering (with a small hit to performance). You can test with this setting it off and then on to determine the actual hit to performance. 

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