Please check if the below properties are set.
- The property to the file, available in the %AGILIANCE_HOME%\config directory.
- The jasper.admin.port=8480 property to the file, available in the %AGILIANCE_HOME%\config directory.
- The<IP_Address> property to the file available in the %JASPERREPORTS_HOME%\apache-tomcat\webapps\jasperserver-pro\WEB-INF directory.
If they are set and still it does not work then most likely the password for 'rvJasperUser' user in reportserver has been changed and we need to set the correct password.
we can probably do some testing to check if the web services works. See steps below.
- In the server where RV is installed open any browser
- http://<JASPERHOST/JASPERIP>:8480/jasperserver-pro/services/repository
- It will prompt for username/password
- We can use sysadmin or rvjasperuser user to login
- Once the login is successful then you will see message “Hi there, this is an AXIS service!”
We can verify if the password is correct or not by logging in to standalone server as "rvjasperuser" user and provide password to login. Once it is successful, set that password value in property jasper.rvUserWebServicePwd in <AGILIANCE_HOME>\config\ file.
Once set, restart the tomcat and jasper and you should see the folders hierarchy. Please note that there should be no space at the end of the string we set for password.