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Configuring RiskVision to Use Gmail SMTP

Applies To Risk Vision Versions: 7.5, 8.X
 Google's SMTP server settings can be configured to send RiskVision generated email notifications.  The following modifications are necessary to get Gmail SMTP to work:
  1. ConfiGmail account
  2. Configure RV. 
  3. Open network access 
Reference "https://www.digitalocean.com/community/tutorials/how-to-use-google-s-smtp-server" for additional information. 
To configure GMAIL SMTP (this step requires a valid GMAIL account):
  1. Enter the URL https://support.google.com/accounts/answer/6010255
  2. Google Account Help page appears, click "Less secure apps" section of my Account link
  3. Enter valid Gmail account credentials if prompted
  4. Less Secure Apps page appears, In the "Access for less secure apps" choose the option Turn On if not already selected. 
To configure RiskVision email notification
  • Login to RiskVision and navigate to Administration > Notifications > Configuration tab
  • Click Email Connector and enter the following values
    • Host Name: smtp.gmail.com
    • Secure Transport: yes
    • Port:  465
    • Login, password, and password confirm. (You must use the same Gmail account credentials)
    • Click Send test email


  • If test is successful, then Click OK
  • Open network/firewall access on port 465 
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