Applies To Risk Vision Versions: 7.5, 8.X
Google's SMTP server settings can be configured to send RiskVision generated email notifications. The following modifications are necessary to get Gmail SMTP to work:
- ConfiGmail account
- Configure RV.
- Open network access
Reference "" for additional information.
To configure GMAIL SMTP (this step requires a valid GMAIL account):
- Enter the URL
- Google Account Help page appears, click "Less secure apps" section of my Account link
- Enter valid Gmail account credentials if prompted
- Less Secure Apps page appears, In the "Access for less secure apps" choose the option Turn On if not already selected.
To configure RiskVision email notification:
- Login to RiskVision and navigate to Administration > Notifications > Configuration tab
- Click Email Connector and enter the following values
- Host Name:
- Secure Transport: yes
- Port: 465
- Login, password, and password confirm. (You must use the same Gmail account credentials)
- Click Send test email
- If test is successful, then Click OK
- Open network/firewall access on port 465