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Importing RiskVision Content

RiskVision supports a variety of checklists, frameworks, methodologies, regulations, and standards generally called "content". Over 50 content sources are mapped to RiskVision Frameworks which support over 10,000 operational and technical controls. Visit our website for a complete list of provided content.

This content is created in RiskVision tree and must be imported into RiskVision as the ‘sysadmin’ user. Once imported, the content can be copied to the Organizational tree.  

To import RiskVision content:

  1. Login to RiskVision as the ‘sysadmin’ user. The default password for this account is ‘Ag1l1@nce’. The ‘sysadmin’ user account is different than the ‘administrator’ user account which will not work for this operation.
  2. Go to Content, Controls and Questionnaires.
  3. Click Import Content (XML) link.
  4. Browse for desired content and click Start Import link

Once the content is imported it should display underneath ‘RiskVision Content’ in the Controls & Questionnaire tree. At this time you can log out as ‘sysadmin’ and log in as a standard user with sufficient privileges, such as ‘administrator’. This standard user will have the ability to copy the content underneath the ‘Organizational Content’ folder.

To copy the newly imported content to the Organizational content folder:

  1. Log in as a standard user with sufficient privileges.
  2. Go to RiskVision Content and locate the desired group folder for the specified content, for example:
    • RiskVision Content
    • Controls
    • Standards
      • NIST SP 800-53 (2009)
      • Click Standards folder so the ‘NIST’ content appears in the pane on the right-hand side.
      • Select the checkbox next to the ‘NIST SP 800-53 (2009)’ group folder
      • Click the Copy to link
      • Choose and select a destination folder under Organization Content, for example
        • Organization Content
        • Controls
  3. Click OK

Now the content should have been moved to the desired folder and can be modified to meet the business needs of the company. 

Prior to deploying the finished content in to the production environment, we recommend versioning the content.  This process is explained in Knowledge Base Article How to Use Content Versioning Best Practices Guide

One additional point to consider is the content that resides under ‘Organization Content’ can be exported from this environment to another RiskVision instance. A standard user with sufficient privileges, like ‘administrator’, will have this ability.


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