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Changing System Labels for Custom Reports

When a field label is updated in Perspective, the change is propagated throughout the system.  


One exception is that a field label change will not be automatically applied to custom reports that reference this field. Subsequently generating custom reports will result in an error message.

To prevent this issue, you need to perform the following steps. Note; complete steps 1 & 2 for each report containing the new label before completing step 3 & 4, then complete steps 5 for each report again.


  1. Edit the report and delete any reference to that field
  2. Save and leave the report
  3. Go back to admin and change the label to the new value:
  4. Save and log off
  5. Log into Perspective, and edit the report and put the newly named field back where they want it (edited).
  6. Save the report.
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