We endeavour to keep the content of the Regulatory Content Management (RCM) Framework current so that it reflects the regulatory requirements that are in effect. Regulators may not always provide sufficient notice of new or amended requirements to permit us to update the RCM Framework by the date on which the changes take effect. In such cases, we will endeavour to update the RCM Framework as soon as possible.
RCM Framework support is available for:
- GRC Cloud
- Resolver Core
Alert Process
Alerts are statements that briefly describe upcoming or effective regulatory changes covered by Resolver’s frameworks. Alerts are a complimentary service provided to customers primarily in order to assist with making customers aware of actual and potential changes to their content libraries. In addition, alerts may be sent to keep customers informed of regulatory developments that may not result in changes to their content library but may be relevant to their business. Our objective is to provide alerts as early as possible once there has been public notice of an actual or potential change to the regulatory requirements addressed by our content.
For legislation, an alert could relate to an announcement that suggests that the regulatory authority is considering a change (for example, release of a discussion paper posing questions relating to or requesting comment on potential changes to the legislation).
Alerts will be provided when legislation is introduced into the relevant legislative body (federal or provincial), and again at the point at which it becomes reasonably likely that it will be passed (for example, at third reading), when the Bill receive Royal Assent, when an in-force date has been announced and when it actually comes into force.
Generally, regulations are initially published for comment and an alert would be sent when the proposed regulations are officially published (for example, for federal regulations this means publication in the Canada Gazette). Similar to legislation, alerts will also be provided when the in-force date is announced or, if there is no prior announcement, when the regulation comes into force. On occasion, regulations are not pre-published and public notice is only made after the regulation is made. In such cases an alert can only be made after the regulation has been publicly announced.
Regulatory Guidance
Regulatory guidance is generally subject to the same range of possibilities. Guidance can be released as a proposal for comment, in final form with a delayed implementation and directly in final form. Our objective is to provide alerts at each of these points.
We will provide subscribers a notice of the change or potential change with a link to the official source. Unfortunately, we cannot provide any analysis of the change, other than indicating which framework could be impacted.
Update Process
More than 30 days’ notice
If a regulator provides more than 30 days advance notice of the final details of a change, the RCM Framework will be updated to reflect the new requirements no later than 10 days after the announced effective date for the change. The update will be based on the official version of the change and the effective date published by the relevant regulator. A blackline will be posted to the Canadian Compliance Group website as soon as it is reasonably certain that announced changes will come into force and in any event no later than our 10-day guarantee.
Less than 30 days’ notice
If a regulator provides less than 30 days advance notice of a change, the RCM Framework will be updated within 40 days of the release of the final details of the change by the relevant regulator. The update will be based on the official version of the change and the date that the change was published by the relevant regulator. We will post blacklines to the website on the day of the update.
Content Subscription
Your organization can subscribe to the following content individually or in recommended packages. A framework is a curated summary of selected legislation, regulations and similar guidance containing regulatory obligations that apply to federally regulated financial institutions (FRFIs) in Canada. The objective of our frameworks is to provide FRFIs with the regulatory requirements they are obligated to adhere to in order to assist FRFIs with managing their regulatory compliance risk as set out in OSFI Guideline E-13: Regulatory Compliance Management (RCM). Frameworks are organized by topic and by financial institution. The development and distribution of all content in the frameworks is subject to the discretion of the Canadian Compliance Group.
Our frameworks and individual content subscriptions are listed below. Your access to the relevant frameworks is as set out in your contract.
Content enhancements most commonly refer to: (i) the enhancement of an existing RCM framework to broaden its scope or topics; and (ii) the production of new RCM frameworks. Content enhancements are generally driven by customer requests and/or regulatory changes applicable to the industry. Content enhancements are produced and distributed subject to the discretion of the Canadian Compliance Group.
The production of content enhancements may be subject to additional fees. Pricing will depend on the nature, applicability and scope of the request.
- Bank Framework
- Federal Bank Branch Framework
- Anti-Money Laundering (AML) Framework
- Trust & Loan Companies Act
- Provincial Trust & Loan Framework
- Credit Union Framework
- BC Credit Union Framework
- Ontario Credit Union Framework
- Federal Credit Union Framework
- Federally Incorporated Insurance Company Framework
- Federal Insurance Branch Framework
- Federal Privacy Framework
- Provincial Privacy (Quebec, BC, Alberta) Framework
- Provincial Insurance Legislation Market Conduct Framework
- Lobbying Framework
- Mutual Fund Dealers Association (MFDA) Framework
- Exempt Market Dealer Framework
- IIROC Rules Framework
- Investment Fund Manager Framework
- Portfolio Manager Framework
- Universal Market Integrity Rules Framework
- Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act (FATCA) Framework
- Common Reporting Standards (CRS) Framework
- Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) Framework
- Canada Labour Code Framework
- Pay Equity Act Framework
- Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL) Framework
- National Do Not Call Framework
- Provincial Employment Standards Framework
- Cyber Security Self-Assessment Framework
- Competition Act Framework