The new Compliance Manager dashboard provides an overview of the compliance status of assessments in a specific program. The dashboard can be used to report on compliance for one or more entity/entity collection criticality levels for one or more Level 1, Level 2, and Level 3 organizational hierarchy containers.
The dashboard is targeted at the following types of users:
- Security and compliance teams for monitoring the compliance and remediation statuses of BUs or groups that they are responsible for.
- ISOs who work for the BUs or groups that the security and compliance teams interface with so that they can get a scorecard of their current compliance and remediation postures.
- Executives of the BUs or groups in which the ISOs work so that they can see the status of their BUs or groups.
The dashboard has the following six charts:
- % Entity Criticality: Shows the percentage of each criticality level for entities and entity collections in a program.
- % Open Mitigations: The percentage of entities and entity collections with open mitigations. Mitigations are defined as findings and tickets.
- Open Assessments: Shows the age ranges of all open assessments.
- Top 10 oldest mitigations: Shows the oldest 10 mitigations.
- Lowest compliance scores: Shows the 10 assessments with the lowest compliance scores.
- Top 10 controls issues – Shows the 10 controls with the largest quantity of remediations created against them for the assessments within a program.