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Relationship Modeling Criteria

  1. Navigate to Design > Criteria > Add New Criteria. The Criteria Type selection screen appears.
  2. Select Relationship Modeling. The Relationship Modeling Edit Criteria screen will open.
  3. Criteria Text: Enter the text to appear on the voting screen for reference purposes, as it is possible to set up multiple relationship management criteria.
  4. Criteria Label: Enter an abbreviated description of criteria that will be seen on some screens, reports, graphs etc. The label is limited to 24 characters and by default, the first 24 characters of the Criteria Text appears here.
  5. Relationship Modeling Statements: The Context Statement and Comparison Statement are pre-filled with sample text to act as a template. The purpose of these is to construct a question that enables the voters to understand the causal relationship they are being asked to either confirm or refute. A sample voting screen, based on the Edit screen above is shown below.

  6. The Context and Companion statements are interspersed with the item names to provide a clear question to which the participants can respond.
  7. Scale Selection: Click Scale Selection… to select the number of response choices and enter the text for the response choices. Choose between Custom and Predefined scales.
    1. Custom Scales: Select the number of item choices on the scale (from 2 to 10) and click OK. Enter the text for the choices in the numbered text boxes.
    2. Predefined Scales: Predefined Scales enable you to choose from sample lists of responses. Click on the required list and click OK. The wording can be edited/refined on the next screen. You can change the Predefined Scale choices available by clicking the Edit Predefined Scales button. 


The following settings are optional:

  • Scale Order: Scale choices are numbered for voting purposes. Having 1 as the lower choice typically works best for Rating Scale criteria.
  • Accept button 10 as “No Response”: If you wish participants to have the option to abstain from a vote, yet still register a response as received, checking this option will allow them to abstain by clicking the 10 keypad button.
  • Add Notes and Actions if required. 
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