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Predefined Scales and Scale Qualification Metrics – Overview

Ballot enables customization of the assessment scales used in Rating Scale and Multiple Choice criteria. These criteria can consist of 2-10 choices and when creating criteria, the choices can be blank or, to expedite the creation of the file, you can select from a list of predefined criteria choices. These predefined choices can also be customized so that if you create a large number of Ballot files, and you are consistent in your criteria choices, it is easy to build files based on your custom criteria.

Scale Qualification Matrices (SQM) enable any file to have multiple definitions of the same criteria so that different items can be compared, more easily, while giving participants specific definitions for criteria choice.


In a Risk Assessment, the severity or impact of a broad range of risks is being compared. All risks are to be rated on a High/Medium/Low scale, but this terminology is ambiguous. An SQM helps with more quantitative definitions of each choice.

Severity/Impact Financial Risks Operational Risks Reputational Risk
High Over $250,000 4 or more lost production days

National negative TV/press coverage

Medium $50,000-$250,000 2-3 lost production days Regional negative TV/press coverage
Low  Under $50,000 1 lost production day Local negative press coverage 
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