My activities

Display Options

Column Selection: Use this to hide columns now required in the workshop.

For example, here is a Vote & Report screen with all information showing.

The facilitator may decide that residual Impact and Residual Likelihood are not to be voted on in the current session and also to use the formula Weighted Average for post-meeting analysis only. Therefore, the facilitator can remove these from the screen, while keeping the underlying information intact. 

  1. Go to Vote & Report > Data > Column Selection.
  2. In the Columns Selection Screen, check/uncheck any criteria or other columns to determine what to display. Click OK. The Vote and Report screen will now display only the selected columns.

Color Code: You can increase the readability of the Vote and Report screen by coloring each cell, dependent on its value. Cells can be colored one of three colors and you can determine the “break point” for the range of values for each color. The default colors are green, yellow and red, but you can select alternative colors.

  1. Go to Vote & Report > Data > Color Codes. The Color Code window will appear.
  2. To activate Color Codes, check the first box: Show Color Coded Averages in the Ideas Table.
  3. In the Colors section, the default color set of red, yellow and green appears. In order to maximize contrast between the text and the cells, select the Preset Light Colors or Preset Dark Colors. Alternatively, choose custom colors by clicking in the High Color, Med Color or Low Color buttons. 

    Note: Clicking Preset Light Colors or Preset Dark Colors will always restore the original red, yellow and green palette.

  4. To set the “break points” between the High, Medium and Low ranges, enter two numbers between 1 and 99 in the two boxes in the Percent Range section.
  5. Example: By entering 70 in the High percent box and 35 in the Low percent box, any score below the 35th percentile will be displayed in the Low color and any score above the 70th percentile will be displayed in the High Color. To compare these percentiles to the actual possible scores based on the number of choices for each criterion, click View List of Ranges for Rating Scale Criteria and review the table displayed.

Note: For Paired Ranking criteria, the high, medium and low prioritized items will be displayed in the appropriate colors as defined by the breakpoints.


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