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Change the Appearance of Ballot Screens

The appearance of Ballot, including the item views screens, voting screens and charts is highly customizable.

Formatting can be set “globally” across Ballot or separately for specific areas of the program. As some features can overwrite others, it is best to start with the overall settings before customizing specific parts of Ballot.

To access the overall Options feature navigate to Vote & Report > Tools > Options

Selecting Colors and Fonts for BPS Resolver Ballot

  1. The Colors section enables you to choose two shades for the “background” and foreground” of many screens. Typically these need to contrast with the background and foreground font colors, in the fonts section (see #3). To change a color, click on the rectangle representing the current color and select from the color selection list.
  2. The default color for voting charts is selected from this section also. (The Voting Settings screen will enable further chart customization)
  3. Select a default font and foreground and background font colors for Ballot in the fonts section. It is good practice to ensure good contrast between the font colors selected here and the background/foreground colors selected in #1. Font choice and color choice can be overridden using the specific display options screens for the Item Views, Charts, Modeling and Voting areas.
  4. As a quick alternative to the process in points #1-3, use the Color Gallery to select screen, font and chart colors.
  5. When the selection has been made, click Apply Appearances. Ensure Apply Appearances has been performed before using OK or Cancel to close the window.
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