The three export options generate text files that can be viewed in a text editor or imported into a spreadsheet or other application. All Export View Options are accessed through Vote & Report > View > Export Views.
Export View for Spreadsheet
This generates comprehensive output of all the data held within the Ballot file including:
- Items, Criteria and Voting Results (Averages) and Standard Deviations
- Vote Distributions for each item and criteria
- Vote distributions by stakeholder group
- Individual keypad responses
The output can be filtered on items, criteria and stakeholder groups to be included.
The file generated is ballot spreadsheet.txt
Export View for Tabbed Statistics
This generates a full listing of votes listed by keypad, for item/criteria voting and stakeholder voting. The report features a table of keypad numbers next to item/criteria combinations so the actual vote if each keypad can be read.
The file generated is ballot tabbedstats.txt
Export View Formatted from View
This creates a file with rows of data consisting of the following values: Item number, Item type, average vote score, item name. In addition the criteria letters (A, B, C etc) and names are listed.
The file generated is ballotstats.txt