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GAL Messaging Upgrade & Settings Change

Global AlertLink recently upgraded its telephony platform to include VM detection, more language options, and better processing. As part of this upgrade, the Step 3: Message Settings tab no longer includes the Phone Language/Gender option (the default gender is now Female).

Additionally, the following new settings have been added:

  • Phone Delay Between Attempts: The number of seconds between retry attempts (e.g. entering 60 in this field will specify a one-minute delay).
  • Phone Language: The language of the initial greeting (e.g. "This is an important message from...") and the instructions for responses (e.g. "Please press 1 for..."). 
  • Phone Voice Speed: The text-to-speech speed in percentages (e.g. entering 80 in this field define an 80% voice speed).

For more details on configuring the settings in this tab, see the Step 3: Message Settings article on the Global AlertLink Knowledge Base.

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