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Assign Barcodes to Data in Custom Reports

The following will show you how to create a scannable barcode or QR code in a custom report. This will allow you to populate data in another source, for example assigning a code to a piece of evidence for tracking purposes.

To assign barcodes to data: 

  1. Build a query that pulls the required data (ex. Evidence Name).
  2. Open the Project Tab in the report designer.
  3. Add a User Variable. Name the variable and add the Evidence Name field as the data value.
  4. Add a table to display the desired data, then perform one of the following:
    • If the desired data is a child value:
      1. Add a Group Header, then select the desired data fields to be displayed in the line.
      2. Ensure the Line Definition of the grouping is Grouped By the data value (Evidence Name).
      3. Click the dropdown beside the Append a Line Definition button, then click Barcode.
      4. Select the User Variable
    • If the individual line data is not required:
      1. Click Table in the Report Structure tab tool window beside your workspace.
      2. Go to PropertiesData Lines property.
      3. Click Yes in Suppress Data Lines.


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