Perspective 5.7 – New Features & Bug Fixes
New Features
- Dispatch administrators can now quickly make alerts by copying existing officer alerts, RTAs, and alarm alerts from within the application.
- A new Save option makes it possible to export and download a CSV spreadsheet with an officer's shift history.
- Vehicle search parameters now include Make, Model, and Year.
- Administrators can now limit users' access to locations and priorities in Dispatch based on their assigned operational zone(s).
- Officers' call signs can be changed mid-shift without taking them off duty and bringing them back on again.
Web Portal
- Admins can now show labels on the lower levels of the Site, Class, and Business Unit rollup fields with a new option in the settings.
Bug Fixes
- Improved the performance of Analysis Expert when handling large queries.
- Fixed an issue that caused query results to display a time different than the incident record's time.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the Service Folder, Business ID, and Database fields from being populated automatically on the login screen.
- Fixed a bug that prevented visual alerts from appearing the application.
- Resolved visual inconsistencies when creating and canceling the creation of a temporary location.