My activities

Perspective 5.10 Release Notes

New Features


  • Users can now enable a Panic Alert feature for the dispatch team about an officer safety issue (e.g., they’re receiving verbal threats).
  • Panel layouts can be saved and loaded to easily switch between setups and preferences.
    • A panel (e.g., an officer details window) can also be locked in place to prevent accidental movement (which caused unexpected tabs or floating windows that changed all the others – slowing teams down in critical decision-making moments).
  • More panel buttons now display before the See More button (i.e., less wasted space and button click-throughs). For example, when changing between on-duty officers in the app, all buttons will display at once (instead of the previous ellipsis button click-through).
  • Inactive Officers can no longer be assigned as Record Owners, as the User search box now filters those accounts from incident report follow-ups.
  • A “Change call sign” action was added to the right-click menu.
  • Users can now automatically set an officer as “en route” when assigning a new task.
  • Officer History log now includes the custom Busy state to add an officer’s status details (e.g., they’re taking lunch, writing a report, or on-duty elsewhere).


Officer Mobile

  • Officers can trigger a Panic Alert on their own and communicate with Dispatch directly through the app.


Bug Fixes


  • The Settings panel no longer freezes when switching themes.
  • Newly assigned tasks now go to the end of an officer’s current list (instead of the top of their tasks list).
  • The start time and date will no longer reset on its own.
  • The Call Category Picker’s clear button now clears the previous search string.
  • Resolved an issue that left the default assigned call category when changing templates.
  • Panels can now be scrolled when the window’s content is larger than the screen size.
  • Searching for an officer’s location will no longer show site rollups.
  • Users can now set officers as being On Duty.
  • The Dispatch window no longer minimizes or maximizes when double-clicking any of the drop-down options on the user’s profile name.

Officer Mobile

  • Users can now search for indoor locations while creating a Dispatch.
  • Push notifications no longer fail when the user is logged in on multiple devices.
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