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Set Up Quick Find Indexing (v. 4.6)

If you want users to be able to search for records using the Quick Find tool, it'll first need to be configured in Service Manager after Perspective is installed or upgraded.

The initial set up of Quick Find allows you to specify where the index file will be stored, if there will be any alternative cache directory, and which Perspective fields will be indexed.

  1. Open Perspective Service Manager > Quick Find Indexing.

  2. Select the Allow Quick Find chekbox.

  3. In the Index Directory field, specify where the index file will be stored.

    Note: The index file can take from one third to up to half of the original database size, so ensure there's sufficient disk space on the server.

  4. If the index file can’t be stored on the local drive, select the Specify folder in alternate drive to store cache while indexing? checkbox and select another directory.

  5. Optional: If you want certain common words to be ignored when indexing (e.g., “a,” “the,” “an,” “at,” “to,” etc.), select the Use noise word file? checkbox and specify the directory where the Noise.dat file exists. Perspective does not provide a Noise.dat file.

  6. Optional: If you want hyphenated words to be indexed as two separate words, select the Treat hyphens as spaces checkbox.

  7. Optional: If you want the index files to ignore numeric text, select the Do not use numeric values

  8. Select the tables of the database you wish to index.

  9. Click Save.

  10. Perform an IIS reset or recycle the PerspectiveService App pool in IIS.

  11. Click Index to create the initial index file.

  12. Click Save then Close.


As data is added, deleted, or modified in the database, the index must be kept up-to-date. The indexer can be run through Command Prompt or by setting up a Scheduled Task.

To perform full indexing or incremental indexing on a database using the Perspective.Indexer.exe program:

    1. Open Command Prompt.

    2. Navigate to the Perspective Service Manager. The default location is cd “C:\Program Files\PPM 2000 Inc\Perspective\4.6\ServiceManager.

      Note: Directories listed may be different depending on where PerspectiveServices was installed.

      • To perform full indexing on the default database, enter the following command:

        Perspective.Indexer.exe c="C:\[PerspectiveServicesPath]\Perspective4.6\PerspectiveServices\Perspective_Default.config"

      • To perform full indexing on a specific database, add the /d switch to the command:

        Perspective.Indexer.exe /c="C:\[PerspectiveServicesPath]\Perspective4.6\PerspectiveServices\Perspective_Default.config" /d=”database name”

      • To perform incremental indexing on the default database, add the /i switch to the command:

        Perspective.Indexer.exe  /c="C:\[PerspectiveServicesPath]\Perspective4.6\PerspectiveServices\Perspective_Default.config" /i

      • To perform incremental indexing on a specific database, use the /d and /i switches:

        Perspective.Indexer.exe /c="C:\[PerspectiveServicesPath]\Perspective4.6\PerspectiveServices\Perspective_Default.config" /d=”database name” /i

    3. Repeat the above steps for every database you wish to index.

    4. To view all of switches and their functions available for Indexer.exe, enter the command Perspective.Indexer.exe ?.

See also:

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